W4J was developed over 25 years by Dr. James Horvath who has developed an Apostolic plan for transforming any nation through the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Statistically, the national projects that have been developed have proven the opportunistic qualities of organizing a World 4 Jesus outreach. You can learn more about the details of this by going to the about section of this website below.
Previous and Current World 4 Jesus Projects

Over the years, World 4 Jesus has evolved into many different avenues of ministries. (evangelism, humanitarian efforts, social work, etc). If you would like to be apart of one of the apostolic teams, then please fill out the information in the form that you will be directed to by the link below. We will get back to you as soon as possible. The review process is important to match you up with the right ministries going into the right cities and nations.
THE Community
Sign up and join the World 4 Jesus Community, see what's going on across the World and how the projects are changing the Nations

When it comes to funding a project for an entire nation, from venues to promotion, there is a lot of different expenses to account for. If you believe in this movement and want to support in a financial way you can so a seed below.